Cultural highlights in Berlin: Event- and Festival-Calender 2014
"Berlin is always worth visiting" is a common German saying. And in fact: the city provides a broad range of cultural events throughout the year. Luckily the subway station right in front of the house lets you get everywhere easily. If you come by car you might also integrate day-trips to high-profiled cities like Potsdam, Dessau, Dresden or Weimar. In our library of architectural and design highlights in Berlin you will find a hand full of inspirations and guidebooks. You might also rent two foldable bicycles for cruising the city centre. As a little service for all those who like to prepare there visit at Taut`s Home or those have a special interest in certain topics here are a few selected festivals and events to take place in 2014 - for further infos please see our weblinks-category
Early season 2014
- 14.01-16.01: Fashion Fairs Bread and Butter + Berlin Fashion Week
- 22.01-26.01: Ultraschall - Festival for Contemprary Music
- 29.01-02.02: Transmediale - Festival for Contemporary Media Arts
- 30.01-02.02: Berliner Wintersalon - Festival for German literature
- 06.02-16.02: Berlinale - International Movie Festival
- 11.02-27.04: Exhibition Peter Behrens - Buildings designed for the "AEG"
- 18.02-21.02: bautec - Fair event for the Building Industries
- 20.02-23.02: 100 Grad - Festival for Contemporary Performing Arts
- 05.03-08.03: ITB Internationale Tourismusbörse - Touristic fair
- 12.03-10.06: Neue Baukunst! - Exhibition about the architecture between 1900-1930
- 14.03-23.03: Märzmusik - Festival for Contemporary Music
- 14.03-05.04: da! Exhibition by the Berlin chamber of architects
- 30.03-30.03: Berliner Halbmarathon
- 30.03-06.04: Biennale for Ancient Musik
Spring 2014
- 09.04-16.04: Achtung Berlin - Nachwuchsfilmfestival
- 26.04-26.04: Lange Nacht der Opern und Theater / Long Night of the Opera
- Pictoplasma Festival
- 02.05-04.05: Berlin Gallery Weekend
- 02.05-18.05: Theatertreffen - Festival for Contemporary Performing Arts
- 15.05-17.07: Graphic-Design-Conference TYPO Berlin
- 17.05-17.05: Lange Nacht der Museen / Long Night of the Museums
- 20.05-10.08: David Bowie-retrospective at Martin-Gropius-Bau
- 24.05-24.05: Local street feast at the Hufeisensiedlung :-)
- 26.05-01.06: Berlin Design Week
- 28.05-01-06: Festival + Fair Designmai / DMY Berlin
- 29.05-03.08: Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
- 05.06-13.06: Literaturfestival Berlin - Festival for German literature
- 06.06-08.06: Street parade Carneval of Cultures
- 21.06-21.06: Fete de la Musique + Gay street parade: Christopher Street Day
- 22.06-29.06: Young Euro Classics
- 27.06-29.06: Local Art Festival 48 Stunden Neukölln
- 28.06-28.06: Berliner Denkmaltage / Berlin Heritage Days
Summer 2014
- 03.07-07.07: Classic Open Air at the Gendarmenmarkt
- 05.07-05.07: Tag der Offenen Botschaften / Day of the Open Embassies
- Festival Tanz im August / Festival of Contemporary Dance
- 16.08-16.08: Potsdamer Schlössernacht
- 31.08-31.08: ISTAF - International Sports Meeting
- 02.09-22.09: Musikfest Berlin in der Philharmonie
- 03.09-07.09: Berlin Music Week - Fair for Popular Music
- 04.09-14.09: Jüdische Kulturtage / Jewish Cultural Days
- 10.09-21.09: ilb - International Festival of German literature
- 13.09-14.09: Tag des Offenen Denkmals / Day of the Open Monument
- 16.09-21.09: Art-Fair Berlin Art Week
- 18.09-21.09: Art-Fair Berliner Liste
- 18.09-21.09: Art-Fair ABC Art Berlin Contemporary
- 21.09-31.12: Exhibition about Architecture of the 1960ies
- 27.09-28.09: Berlin-Marathon
Autumn/Winter 2014
- 02.10-19.10: Festival of Lights
- 08.10-12.01: Laszlo Moholy-Nagy - Exhibition opening at the Bauhaus-Archiv
- 17.10-16.11: Europäischer Monat der Fotografie / European Month of Photography
- 30.10-02.11: Jazzfest Berlin
- 01.11-01.11: Nacht und Nebel - Festival of Arts in Berlin-Neukölln
- 05.11-06.11: Fair Architect@Work
- 07.11-09.11: Open Mike - Talent competition for lyrics and poetry
- 09.11-09.11: Anniversary feast: 25 years of tearing off the Berlin Wall
- 11.11-16.11: Internationales Festival of Short Movies
- 01.12-26.12: Christmas Market Shopping (something typical German)
- 24.12-01.01: New Year`s Eve Party at Brandenburg Gate
Further Infos about events in Berlin
- Calender of exhibitions by ART-BERLIN
- Calender of events BERLINONLINE
- Calender of events/official tourist information VISIT BERLIN
- Berlin Calender by CULTURALL (incl. notifications via RSS)
- Event schedule BERLIN TRADE FAIR
- City magazine/program survey TIP
- City magazine/program survey ZITTY
- Ticket reservation service BERLIN-TICKET
- Ticket reservation service EVENTIM
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