Where to fetch the keys and contact data
show/hide textTaut’s Home is located in the southern part of the UNESCO-listed site "Hufeisensiedlung / Großsiedlung Britz". The house belongs to the 6th building section, which is the most modernistic one and where you´ll discover a lot of design patterns that are very typical for Bauhaus architecture. The site is located close to the subway station "Parchimer Allee" and only a few hundred meters away from the famous central building structure. The whole neighborhood is very easy-going and secure. But after the enormous press and media coverage and aiming to prevent our guests and neighbors from too much attention by purposefully strolling tourists, we decided not to publish the precise address directly on the web: So you will get all the details during the booking process. As your landlords we live only a few meters away, so that we might also offer a guided tour through the estate and usually hand over the keys personally. Please notice that pure sightseeing visits of Taut´s Home are not possible. For further details please see our FAQ-list. To make a reservation or fetch the keys, please address:
Katrin Lesser and Ben Buschfeld
Parchimer Allee 81b, 12359 Berlin
Phone +49 30 60107193.
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